Friday, August 29, 2008

First work of art!

Friday nights aren't quite what they used to be. In by 9, hanging out in the guitar room, Bridgett spending a few minutes blogging about the baby; Alan playing guitar to North. When did we become such parents?...
In addition to the above activities, we have also spent the evening enjoying art.
The first bit of art, provided by none other than our wee little son.
This Friday marks the end of the first week of daycare. One week down, countless more to go. It started out rough (at least for Bridgett--North is much more laid back and never showed distress) but each day it gets easier and we like it more and more.
North's teachers are very sweet and his classmates (ALL girls; 6 little girls and North!) are adorable cheery faced little darlings.
As a souvenir of N's first week we got to take home his first work of art! Cleverly painted with his kicking little feet and decorated with stickers. Hope that you enjoy it as much as we did.

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