Sunday, September 7, 2008

First cold...

Well, it seems to be official. North is experiencing his first ever cold.
: (.
The weekend started out well enough--we all got up early because North got up early on Saturday and puked all over our bed when we brought him in to feed him. This should have been our first sign but, we didn't really think much of it because he's a baby and the spit-up thing has become sort of old-hat around here. Granted it was a lot of spit-up but, that seems to happen sometimes. And he was smiley and happy like normal so, we decided things were good.
Inspired by our current reading of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (thanks KeeKee, I got it from the library after reading your post about it--it's a good read!) we decided to hit the local farmers market and scoot about town to try for some Obama sightings (he was visiting a town hall meeting in Terre Haute Saturday--tickets were gone to those who started waiting in line in the wee hours of Friday morning so there was no chance we could attend but we hoped to experience some of our town's excitement over his visit). As we scurried about town we even got a brief visit with Nana, Grandad, Mimi, and one of Mimi's friends when we saw them at Goodyear getting a tire repaired.
Stroller-ing around the Farmer's market! We got some yummy hot peppers, fresh strawberry jelly, free-range pork burgers and gyro meat, fresh spices, and a few other veggies.


Mimi & Nana & Granddad!

And THEN the real fun of the weekend started. Turns out our morning's encounter was just the tip of the iceberg regarding how much N would be regurgitating. Poor kid hasn't been able to keep anything down in 2 days and has a sort of stuffy sound when he breathes. We've called the doctor twice and as long as there's no fever and he's not showing symptoms of dehydration we're just supposed to wait it out. It's been a weekend of PILES of laundry, little bits of sleep, and lots of freak-outs.
Ender miming North--poor sick baby...

On the upside, we got home from work/daycare on Friday and found that some good fairies had left a super-cool tricycle for North.

1 comment:

carrie said...

i'm sorry to hear north was feeling under the weather! i'm really glad you like the book. i neglected to finish it before classes started back up, so it's on the backburner right now ;(