Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Still no sleep....

For those who have asked...nope North still isn't sleeping. He's eating like a champ (this week we tried potatoes in addition to rice cereal which he really seems to love--all smiles and gobbles them up so sweetly) but still no sleeping more than 2 hours in 1 stretch (with the norm being more like 1). Any suggestions? We've tried all we've heard--in his own room, in our room, in a crib next to our bed, co-sleeping, letting him cry, in a dark room, in a light room, with every possible sound effect imaginable going (white noise, mother heartbeat machine, music, etc), swaddled, not swaddled, in a warmer than usual room, in a cooler than usual room, with a fan on, without a fan on, with a humidifier (both warm and cool mist have been given a go), without a humidifier....eesh. Nothing has worked so far. Any other ideas?

Fairly certain he knows exactly how the video monitor works--this is a picture of the display in our room with him staring right into the camera in his crib--he does this often. It's like he's trying to watch us back or at least let us know that he knows he's being watched.

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