Sunday, December 7, 2008

Flu days...

For the past 5 days the Milner household has been a rather dreary den of germs and ickiness which had lots of really bad stuff about it but also some good stuff--like 4 solid days spent together, only a few moment of which were not spent snuggled in at home (gatorade and pharmacy runs).
On Wednesday North got sent home sick from daycare and as I left Bloomington to drive him home, there was some pukey, coughing, yuckiness that convinced me to stay in Bloomington until I could get North into a doctor before taking him home. His pediatrician's practice thankfully has extended office hours and so was able to get him in at 7pm on Wednesday. He was diagnosed with bronchiolitis and given a prescription for breathing/congestion medication. Alan was going to stay home with him on Thursday and take him to a follow up doctor's appointment that day.
Then, around 4 am, I was up feeding him and Alan got up to change North. I peeked down the hall to see how Alan was doing in time to see him set North down in the hall and make a mad dash to the hall bathroom where he commenced to get sick. North and I and Alan eventually made it back to bed and a short while later I got up, got ready for work and started to leave when I started to get pukey. Thursday was a truly miserable day. The above photo is the only one taken from the really yucky time. Alan and I each claimed 1 of our bathrooms and some space outside of them for napping and passed the baby between us (North was already pretty well by mid-morning on Thursday).
Friday I was feeling much better and Alan was on the mend but he's been sick a bit longer. We've spent the weekend in with lots of rest and now I think everyone is well and ready to start a new week.
It wasn't all bad though to have some snuggly days at home--Thursday admittedly was TERRIBLE but the other 3 with us all under 1 roof were rather nice. We got to spend lots of time together.

North learned that TV is sometimes a wonderful thing (and he learned that remotes can be valuable--he kept trying to steal ours--here is a photo of 1 of his successful missions).

we learned how ridiculous North's hair has really gotten lately--he had so much when he was born!--now he has very little--but there are still these weird wispy long stragglers that are holding on.
North threw up all over his winter wear on Wednesday including his winter hats--because of this, when we briefly left the house on Saturday we put him in one of Alan's.
Here are some photos of him wearing Alan's hat (from the year he, Levi, Jeremy, and Jon were Team Zissou for Halloween). He even managed to get the hat half-way off and wear it in true Zissou fashion.
we got to spend lots of time in the living room, camped out on the floor and couches alternating between watching the christmas tree, the fire, and the tv. north loves watching the fire.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Oh, I'm so sorry for you all! Whit had bronchiolitis a few times, but it was not accompanied by a virus that made the whole family sick (thank goodness)! Glad you are all on the mend... Now it sounds like you've got some serious laundry to tackle!