Thursday, April 30, 2009

a boy and his dog...

I am a bad blogger.
It seems we've been swamped lately. In a good way. but blogging.
Since my last post Alan started his new job in downtown Indianapolis-- meaning we have both been commuting. He likes it so far and seems to be getting interesting projects to work on in which he's learning a lot. The bad news has been we're never home, meaning poor End has been a bit neglected. While we are home though--North and her are the best of friends so I don't think she's TOO miserable (see photos below).
Also, I turned 30. North and Alan got me a Wii and a great book. Both truly excellent gifts.
And finally, we decided to rent a summer sublet in Bloomington for May, June, & July and found a little place that allows pets--North and I picked up the keys today and move in Saturday.
Still haven't sold our house so we'll have both places for a bit at least.

North's favorite book lately is ABC by William Wegman. He is, naturally, a big fan of weims.

Here are some photos of him "reading" it to End. She licks in appreciation.

North and End are also, lately, a big fan of the bath in kitchen sink strategy I have resorted to as a means of bathing North while also getting other stuff done. End likes to help out with the bathing by providing ample soapy licks.

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