Monday, March 15, 2010

First Signs of Spring

The weather is beginning to warm up in Bloomington and North is loving the new opportunities that change brings.
One formerly favorite pastime that he had forgotten about until now is visiting Bryan Park.
Last summer this was one of his very favorite places to spend some time and now that the weather is warming up, it is quickly reclaiming that position.
We went there recently and found he was better able to navigate lots of the toddler playground features that were a bit difficult for him last summer.

Like the mini rock wall.

And the sloped tunnel.

And the big purple slide that he insisted on going down alone this year.

Spinny seat (last year he thought it a bit scary--this year he loves it).

and the swings remain, as always, a favorite.

He also recently learned about another great Bloomington warm weather feature, The Chocolate Moose. Alan and I have been big fans for several years now (Alan likes the Moose Horn while I prefer the Blizz) but, this was the first year that North got to experience the little walk-up treat shop himself first-hand. They sell tiny "torch" cones for $0.25 and North it turns out is a BIG fan. In fact, after trying his first cone last week, when asked what he wanted to do this weekend his response was: ice-cream!

First bite.

After eating the little cone's candy eyes (he wanted more).

The new places however have not replaced the old. Wonderlab remains a must visit for us each weekend.

North's favorite has always been, and seemingly will always be, the water tables and whirlpool.

He also loves the Rube Goldberg machine though and all of the ball mazes that can be built.

And of course the animals. Last weekend we got to meet a young hissing cockroach (white rather than the standard black/brown after having molted).

and see the turtle who was shedding some shell (scutes).

North still remains intrigued and fearful of the measurement dinosaur. He always sees it and runs straight for it before remembering his fear and promptly reversing direction. Below is him quickly walking backwards in his retreat from it.

We've also recently discovered the fun to be had at the local library. After living here for 10 months, we finally got library cards and spent some time exploring the children's collection.

Playing with Thomas the train at the library.

North seems to be growing so fast lately. His vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds every day.

He explores new behaviors all of the time.

He has recently developed an attachment to a "blankie". When upset he now cries "my blankie! my pacie!". It's sweet. Although we'd really like to get rid of the pacifier--he's not really interested in that plan. And we're choosing to pick our battles for the time being. He's growing fast enough it seems without us rushing him past any milestones he's not quite ready for yet.

He also really likes to wear his backpack. He calls it "my bag" and enjoys taking it around with him and wearing it.

And finally, here were 2 other recent photos that I thought were cute.
Lounging in his high-chair watching a movie:

Hamming it up with daddy at Opie Taylor's:

1 comment:

carrie said...

that first ice cream cone photo is just too darn cute.