Friday, April 9, 2010

Where a kid can be a kid

A couple of weeks ago we got to go to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate Lincoln turning 3.
None of us had been to Chuck E Cheese's in a good long while--in fact North had never been--so we really didn't know what to expect.
It was a total wonder.
Chaos and pizza and ski-ball and a dancing giant robot mouse.
North was amazed. As were we all.

Turns out North is TERRIFIED of man-sized mice who dance.

Lincoln wasn't so sure about them either.

They did like the pizza though

and cake

Lincoln got a birthday crown (full of tokens)

Some of the flashing, whirring, singing game machines delighted North.

Others creeped him out.

Overall though, I think he had a great time.

And was thoroughly exhausted by the end.

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