Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Weeks..and their delightful ring bearer

The weekend after our trip to Rehoboth we took a much bigger trip--all the way across the country in fact! We headed to Texas to attend Gary and Christina's wedding--and Alan and North had the honor of participating in the ceremony!
North always loves flying--with this time being no different. He was, as always, a great little flyer and loved looking out the window and hanging out on the plane.

North adored Christina's daughter Shelby, and the two of them had a great time playing during the rehearsal and day of the ceremony.

I feared he would refuse to wear his tux--which he had been adamant about at home-- but, the day of the ceremony he came through like a champ and was happy to wear his dressy clothes.

He and Alan both looked very handsome all spiffed up.

The wedding was beautiful--we were so happy we were able to share in the day!

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