Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Tree!

A couple of weeks ago we put our tree at home up for the holidays.
North loves it beyond reason and can often be found kissing the ornaments and recounting (to no one in particular) the stories associated with each ornament that we've shared with him.
His favorite is the glass ornament that puppy Ender took a big bite out of when she was 6 months old--at the time we feared such calamity as internal bleeding and the need for veterinary intervention--all before we came to the realization that our dog is more goat than dog and has a digestive system which can seemingly process anything.
He also loves the bell that once belonged to his great-great grandmother (who passed away while I was pregnant with him), and the ornament that we bought the year we purchased our first home, and the one commemorating the year I was pregnant with him, and of course he loves the one signifying his first Christmas.

Hmm..I wonder where North gets his killer smile?

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