Wednesday, February 9, 2011

the ghost of christmas past

I have finally managed to download the few photos that we snapped from our trip back to Indiana for Christmas. North loved Christmas this year and was a really big fan of celebrating it multiple times. He, in fact, continues to ask when we will next be celebrating it.
At home we celebrated prior to our departure. Santa appeased us by making a stop over at our house while we were away at work and daycare on his "practice run" for the big night. He brought North a Buzz Lightyear (which North had been asking for for months). Buzz was a big hit for a few weeks and then one morning North woke up insisting that Buzz had growled at him during the night--suspicious given that evening North was sleeping with a dino shaped flashlight that actually DOES growl when turned on--but North insists no, it was not the flashlight, it was Buzz--their relationship has never been the same since. He also got lots of Star Wars guys and a couple of spaceships from Alan and me.
Then we headed to grandma and grandpa's for Christmas day. Santa brought North an Alphie while there and he also got a junior tag reader with books, which he uses all of the time, and a sounds and lights firetruck.
Despite the appearance of his "smile", he REALLY did enjoy opening presents
Buzz Lightyear gloves and hat (North loves these)
Putting in some puppy time with his favorite dogs

After that we celebrated at grandma Milner's where North got a favorite book and Anakin's lightsaber--which he used to battle everyone else in attendance.
Finally, we headed to Nana and Grandad's where North got to spend time with cousins. He got a Playmobil RV which he has really enjoyed.

Madi was so sweet to let North play with her and her princess castle playmobil set

Connor showing North his new DS
Playing with Nana's nativity set

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