Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our busy week..

It's been a busy week in our little house.
North got a new tattoo. Temporary of course. He had great pride in it and showed everyone he could. Until it wore off. But here it is, captured in megapixels so that it can live on.

Jimmie came and stayed for a few days last weekend which was great fun. We went to Udvar-Hazy and took some photos from the air control tower.

Here's North posing with the "North" sign.

Mike and his girlfriend Lena drove over from Pennsylvania for the day and we played Settlers of Catan--a fun and addictive board game.

That night we went to a local hot pot restaurant. It was delicious. and fun.
Sunday we went to Baltimore to drop Jimmie off and also visit the American Visionary Art Museum. There were no photos allowed inside but we did snap a couple out front and a few in the restaurant.
Then on Monday Alan had massive oral surgery. Big time bummer. He's still recovering.
Tuesday North was crazy sick. He's better now.
Wednesday I gave North an unfortunate haircut and realized that I made him look like a baby Spock. So of course I made him pose for photos with some fake paper Spock ears I made. He really tried to do the "live long and prosper" hands but they just didn't work out. and yes, he does have green popsicle mustache to complete the look.

Don't worry, I trimmed the sides up after these photos. He no longer looks like Spock.
Here's hoping for a calm Friday...

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