Monday, June 13, 2011

Nana and Grandad's

Over Memorial day weekend and North's birthday, Alan and I took some time off work and headed to Indiana with North for a week. It was a great time. We started the trip at Nana and Grandad's where North got to catch up with his cousins. He had a lot of fun spending time with Connor, Madi, and Clay!

North loves the ride-on toys! (Although driving them is not yet his strong suit)

And he had a great time visiting the Terre Haute Children's Museum!

Connor, Madi, and North particularly liked a little runway for racing computer simulated animals.

Celebrating his birthday with Madi and Aunt Angie who also have birthdays in late May/early June!

playing with his birthday presents with Connor! He had such a fun time at Nana and Grandad's!

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