Friday, July 19, 2013

Developmental Profile

I've been lazy about posting. I'll catch up sometime. In the meantime, I couldn't resist sharing North's developmental profile from his pre-school--such a lovely profile of where he is at present.

North Parent Teacher Conference July, 2013

Socio-Emotional Development

North is a delight in our classroom!  He comes to school each day with his smiling face, positive attitude, and quick wit.  He transitions from home to the classroom each morning with confidence.  He has close companions with whom he looks forward to sharing common interests but he is comfortable with any classmate, as well as, exploring his curiosity independently.  He is passionate about following the rules and wants people to be treated fairly and with respect.  North is quick to watch out for the safety of others.  He speaks with confidence when standing up for the rights and safety of others but asks for his teachers’ help when necessary.  Whether in a large group or individual setting, North proves that he listens closely by always asking follow-up questions or relating the information to his own past experiences.  His classmates can always count on North to be a fair, flexible partner with ideas to make the scenario elaborate and fun.  He balances these capabilities with a well-grounded sense of responsibility about the area and materials he has put to use.

Cognitive Development

North enthusiastically takes pleasure in listening to stories told or read aloud.  As an individual with thoughts about ethical dilemmas and strong feelings about following rules, he seems to delight in the conflict between the “good” and the “bad” elements of the plot, as well as, a desire for a clear understanding of the story’s place in time and how it relates to our current times.  At group gatherings, North is very attentive and shows an eagerness and a confidence that sparks him to ask questions and express his own thoughts and feelings.  He is often quick to offer suggestions about how and why the characters in the stories might have made different or “better” choices to achieve different or “better” results.  Many times he has commented that he would have chosen a kinder, safer path than the characters in the story.  At the same time, North has a strong desire to look for humor - in word play especially these days – and appreciates sharing the laughter that comes from sharing a joke.

 Physical Development

North loves to play outside!  He is active and strong while running, jumping, riding trikes, riding trikes while pulling another in a wagon, and playing in the sprinkler.  He continues his love of story - making through elaborate group games that involve climbing the climber, managing the hammocks, face paint, body paint, sometimes costumes and sometimes no shirt at all!  With ease he is able to navigate the negotiations of his classmates as the story twists and turns and characters come or go or change.

North’s fine motor skills continue to grow each day while he manipulates small building projects, sewing, and a budding interest in writing.  We expect to see growth in this area in the coming year.

 Sewing is a perfect thing to do by yourself.  You can be alone and just think to yourself while you’re doing it.”                      -said by North one afternoon while sitting outside and sewing.

 North’s curious mind and desire to support his curiosity combined with his gentle nature and sense of humor prove him to be good company.  We feel fortunate to be able to spend another year with North.


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