Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Tooth!

North is getting his first tooth! His left mandibular central incisor to be precise.
Last Friday, Jen (one of North's daycare providers) drew my attention to North's gums, and low and behold!, during the day he had started to get a tiny little tooth poking out!
It comes in the teeniest tiniest bit more each day and I have been desperate to get a picture of this little pearly white bud of milestone cuteness but, he's pretty non-cooperative regarding this pursuit. So, I'm giving up and just going ahead and posting without a good picture.
Here's the best I have--you can kind of sort of see it in the close-up.
He undermined all other attempts at getting a picture with stealthy movement of his tongue
and even feet.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Adorable! How exciting for you! hopefully not too painful for him :)