Thursday, January 29, 2009

Moving to the crib-again

So a while back North moved to his own bedroom. Briefly.
With his never sleeping it proved to be too big a pain to have to stumble down the hall to grab him every hour or so all night long. So, back into our room he moved, again sleeping in the bassinet of the pack-n-play next to our bed.
We're trying again to move him back down the hall to his own room and his cozy crib. He's REALLY resistant to this idea. We have gotten him to actually sleep in his crib a total of 3 times this week now though. One of these snoozes was an afternoon nap while he and I were snowed in.

A perfectly cozy little crib--I really don't see what the problem is. You'd think we were putting him in a dark and dreary dungeon the way he screams when we place him in it though.

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