Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Words words words

The camera is back and so I have no excuse but still I haven't updated the blog...

So, I'm using the opportunity of a brief break to give a small update on all things North.

The biggest question we are asked on him lately is what he is saying now--this changes nearly daily and so I wanted to capture this, at least for the moment, so that we have some memory of what he was saying at nearly 16 months. So, here's a comprehensive list of the things he's saying right now (at least, the things I can remember off hand during a brief break at work):

ball (first word, still very popular)
dada (sometimes daddy lately)
more (usually accompanied by gesture but not always).
dogu (for dog--not sure why the u at the end but, it persists)
boo! (when playing peek a boo or hiding and then surprising us)
nana (for banana, still his favorite food)

other things that are fairly new:
he can point to his nose, hair, eyes, ears, and mouth if you ask where they are
he can obey simple commands (like "pick the leaf up off the floor and throw it away") which is AWESOME.
he has a serious temper and slaps the table or nearest thing around when frustrated--also has a tendency to throw whatever is in his hands when he gets frustrated.
he has attempted a few bites but is very poor at this --not stealthy at all
he shakes his head no when he doesn't want something
he is starting to give hugs and kisses
he still laughs a lot. its easy to get him to crack up. even when he's mad, which is great.
he still loves Ender beyond reason and shares everything he has with her (this includes food directly out of his mouth). he also loves Petra but is learning the hard way that she is less inclined to put up with him trying to force feed her goldfish crackers.
he loves to dance. he spontaneously starts dancing whenever he hears music.
he loves the sticky sticky bubble gum song.
he enjoys sitting on our laps and being read to. his favorite book is still "Where the Wild Things Are" which both Alan and myself can now recite from memory.
for Halloween he is going to be Max from Where the Wild Things Are (assuming I get the costume sewn soon).
he hates to wear long sleeves--this is kind of annoying as it's getting cold out and long sleeves on shirts are necessary.
he frequently points to things now and asks "this?" to find out the name of it.

1 comment:

carrie said...

this is great, bridgett. i love that he can obey simple commands -- what a great hurdle that must have been to overcome! i wish i could meet north; he seems like such a cool little person.