Sunday, October 4, 2009

A proper, picture-ful update

With the camera back, we have snapped lots of random pictures as of late and so, I thought I would post a few with updates on what we've been up to.

First up are some photos of North eating some freshly picked grape tomatoes from our garden. With frost nearly upon us I figured it was time to celebrate these lovely plants before we bid them farewell for the winter. North has seemed to really like the garden this summer and enjoys poking around the tomato and pepper plants searching for ripe finds to pick and eat.

And yeah, we know he needs a hair cut. We'll get to it soon enough. We think it's pretty cute and it doesn't bother him so...we're in no big rush for that first big cut.

and speaking of hair...
if we cut it all off, we couldn't do this...or this...
North has become very very talkative lately. Here's a picture of him making declarations at the Indian Restaurant--finger in the air and everything.
He does this super cute thing sometimes where he holds his tongue out a little bit while giggling.
A week ago was Lotus Festival in Bloomington. Alan had to work over the weekend but North and I were able to head to the 3rd street park and watch the free concert in the park all afternoon with 2 of his favorite ladies, Samantha and Jen, his caregivers at CVCCC and their kiddos (Logan & Ruby) and pups (Sasha & Millie).

Distracted by a traffic cone... the amazing stilt walkers...North's angry face...kind of hard not to laugh right? But don't. That just makes him more angry. For some reason we always seem to get a lot of photos of him eating...
Taco cheese...My first attempt at his Max hat. Which for some reason I decided to sew after he went to bed by making up the pattern and guesstimating his head size...turns out...his head is bigger than I guessed. Will have to re-do in a larger size.
This was also the morning we discovered that over the summer North has not only decided he hates sleeves but has also decided he now hates hats. It was cold so we tried to put one on him for school. He was not pleased...

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