Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Indiana Thanksgiving!

Last Wednesday, I got an early release from work and Alan took a half day at which point we loaded up the car and headed to Indiana! We expected a 10 hour trip but, after 2 hours sitting in DC traffic, we realized our plans were maybe a bit overly optimistic.
Nonetheless, the traffic did not deter us and we eventually DID make it out of the Washington Metro Area and back "home" to Indiana.
We had a wonderful, wonderful trip and got to spend time with some of those near and dear to our hearts -- Thursday with the Harsh's and our beloved Ender; Friday catching up with friends and eating a great tapas dinner in Indy at BARcelona; and Saturday with the Milner's before we headed back home on Sunday! Whew!

North enjoyed some downtime at grandma and grandpa's while catching up with his old friend the rocking horse that we left with them during our move

he's quite the ham for the camera!

then he participated in the Harsh family tradition of decorating gingerbread houses on Thanksgiving!

frosting nose

carefully placing candies--he's a pretty great little helper

family picture!

Pretty sure North and Ender were exploring the floor for dropped candies

The finished products! far left=Alan; 2nd=grandpa; 3rd=Bridgett; far right (and totally undecorated as she spent the evening drinking a glass of wine and hamming it up with North at the table rather than spreading icing and placing candies)=grandma

After gingerbread, we finished decorating the tree

Then got a group photo

That night we watched a movie and loved cuddling on the couch with End just like we always have

North really enjoyed getting to visit with her while we were at grandma and grandpa's -- here he is sneaking her a kiss

and here they are hanging out, watching the neighborhood

Saturday we spent at Nana and Grandad's where North got to catch up with his cousins.
They started the visit with ping-pong

North, Alan, and Connor played one side while Clay and Adam played the other

Later in the evening we got to see Katie!

North enjoyed the legos at Nana and Grandad's -- particularly those of the Star Wars variety (his current obsession)--here he is threatening me with a 2 inch light saber.

He liked snuggling up with Madi and Clay

And the bigger boys kept at the ping-pong

while the little boys listened from below

North and Clay played pretty well together--they are just about the same height now with North being so tiny and Clay being so tall!

North had a great time on his visit!

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