Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Green Lantern

This year, North had a few different occasions that he was able to wear his costume for. He chose the Green Lantern ages ago and has been SO excited to get to wear his super-hero suit (complete with Green Lantern ring).

The first was "Boo at the Zoo". As zoo members, we've received notices about this event in the past but this was the first time we bought tickets and attended. North had a great time filling our goody bags "trick-or-treating" throughout the zoo in this after hours visit. And it was fun too see the animals at night while supporting a good cause.

North's favorite treats were the light up lollipops that we received.

Another occasion was his good pal (and our neighbor) Ethan's costume birthday party the Saturday before Halloween. We didn't snap many pictures but got one as the kiddos geared up to pop the pinata.

And of course there was the big day of trick-or-treating on Halloween. North got gobs of candy in his pumpkin bucket and was a very happy boy.

Happy Halloween!

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