Sunday, June 10, 2012

North turns Four!!!

North is now FOUR years old!!!  He's getting to be so big.  He's such a sweet kid and such a help to me with his little sister while Alan is out of town.

For his birthday he got a day of doing whatever he chose including watching TV in mommy and daddy's bed in the morning while opening presents, playing with the presents he received, lunch at Chuck E. Cheese's, a visit to Udvar Hazy to see the new space shuttle (Discovery which replaced Enterprise), playing in the fountain at Fairfax Corner, and a pancake dinner at IHOP.  Fun times. Here are some photos from that day:


 My sweet four year old starting his birthday morning.

Climbing around in Chuck E. Cheese's

Looking at airplanes!

Visiting "Discovery"!

Always a favorite - the Mothership from Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Splashing around in the fountain at Fairfax Corner

 Wrinkly fingers

North also got to celebrate his birthday at Anju's, where Quorra now spends the days with him.  He had a lot of fun getting to celebrate with his friends.  The evening before his party at Anju's we stopped by the party supply store to get treats for goody bags.  We had quite a bit of fun shopping and choosing items.

North enjoyed trying on the novelty sunglasses available.

He also had a fun time playing with mustaches.  They were included in his goody bags but by the end of the day, he had lost his--Alan made his a replacement out of red cardboard.

 Eye patches were another item that we included in the goody bags

Celebrating his birthday at Anju's!


Palling around with his buddy Damien

Posing for a photo with Gitika, Damien, Abby, and Alana


Now that the weather is warm he also gets to splash around at Anju's each day!

Aside from his birthday and fun times at daycare, we've had lots of fun lately hanging around home with Quorra.

ring pop mouth

 playing legos

spider man!

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