Saturday, June 30, 2012

Preparing for our move...

We've been enjoying our time here in Virginia as we prepare for our upcoming move back to Indiana.  We've been packing and packing and packing---the house seems to be filling with boxes.

In fact, this post is presently being written in the midst of a power outage caused by a thunderstorm passing through the area.  This wouldn't be a big deal at all if not for the fact that every flashlight and candle we own is presently in a box somewhere....

Anyways though, I digress...

Between packing boxes, we have found time to have some fun -- like hanging out at Fairfax corner and letting North run around in the fountain.  (Before getting wet, he informed us that this was his "best undershirt" and he hoped to keep it dry--where does he get this stuff?!  Anyways, his plan lasted about 5 minutes.)


 We also grabbed lunch at Dogfish Head AleHouse where North got his face painted like Wolverine

 While the face paint was cool, when we got home he said it was itchy and so Alan told him he could wash it off and opted to let him do it by himself.

Clearly that went really well.
We've also found some time to hang out with friends, old and new...

 Like Tallulah - who is about to become a big sister

 And Baron and McKenna!

I can't believe what big kids these 3 have become in the past 2 years.  I remember when we first moved in and met them -- all three were toddlers!

 And North continues to be a great big brother.  A few days ago he crawled into the pack and play to lay in the bassinet next to her and keep her entertained - so sweet!

 He's also had fun snuggling her on our bed.

 And daddy has been home this week - North and Quorra have loved it -- here they are both piled on him!

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