Wednesday, September 19, 2012's been a while

And SO much has happened (hence the lack of time for posting).  Namely--we've moved!  And done everything that goes along with that from new jobs to new schools to having our sweet pup Ender living with us again (which North LOVES -- she sleeps in his bottom bunk).  We haven't snapped as many photos as I might have liked but we certainly have some.  Here are a few from BEFORE our move.  Those taken after the move coming soon.

There were many nights like this before the move....North and Quorra both sleeping in my bed somewhere around 3 AM.  While not an ideal sleeping scenario there were times when sanity had to prevail and we all needed to just get some ZZZs wherever it was most convenient.  I have to admit--while they were grueling at the time, I now miss them.
My sweet boy hanging out in our old house
Hanging out on the bed one evening.  Sweet, snuggly kids.
Before out move we did head back to Indiana for my first week at my new job (with Teach for America).  I had to travel to Kansas City for 2 days - while I was gone I needed to be around other adults who could watch the kiddos overnight in my absence.  We headed to my parents and Alan was able to get some time with them.  We also snapped some cute pictures with our camera one evening on grandma and grandpa's porch.
Water guns!
Quorra just loves him.  She's always just staring after him -- and she's desperate for the day when she can follow him around.
And he loves her too.
 Playing in the baby pool - he's such a water kid.

 Practicing putting his face in the water!
Drawing pictures for grandpa
After visiting with grandma and grandpa, it was back to Virginia for me and the kids for a few more weeks.  Almost everything we owned was packed up so we tended to hole up in my room, hanging out on the bed, playing, and watching tv much of the time.

Last picture in Virginia - after all of our stuff was already packed up.  We'll miss the house that was our home for 2 years.  Where North changed from a toddler to a little kid and we brought Quorra home from the hospital.  And we'll miss the people we met, jobs we had, restaurants we enjoyed, and museums we loved.
But now we're having Indiana adventures.  And I'll post some pictures from those soon...

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