Thursday, July 10, 2008

New toy!

I hadn't posted in a few days so, it seemed time.
North has had a fun week so far.
On Tuesday we drove to Bloomington for a quick stop by the office in the morning and he got to visit with Nana Nancy and Doug. Nancy of course held him the whole time he was there. : )
We were in Bloomington to pick up my new work laptop, which is pretty swanky.
It was a great visit. I forgot the camera though so, I have no pictures.
Then in the evening we got to see Nana and Grand-dad Milner for dinner along with great-aunt Laurie! That was also a great visit.
Here's a photo of grand-dad and North from that night:
On Wednesday we just hung out at home and had a nice day in. North enjoyed hearing stories from the Child-craft books that we inherited from Gigi Tilston and Grandma Harsh. He is now the third generation from the Tilstons who will grow up hearing those stories and nursery rhymes. I remember hearing them when I was young at Gigi's house. Hopefully he will love them as much as I do.
Tonight, Grandma and Grandpa came to town and we went out to dinner and North got a new toy. North loves the new toy. After grandma and grandpa left, we spent the whole evening playing with it.
New Toy! North loves to stare at all the fun things to see on it!

He particularly loves the little triangle full of water and plastic animals that plays a light and sound show

North staring at the lights

Even when he could barely keep his eyes open anymore, he could not look away

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